AEE MEMBERSHIP – 2 years- 2023-2024


Become an AEE member to enjoy the benefits detailed in the description section; with this option choose to become an AEE member for 2 years (2023-2024).



Become a member of the AEE to enjoy the following benefits

  1. Participate in the Symposium of the Spanish Economic Association, an annual congress whose main objective is to present research work in progress to the rest of the research community.
  2. Receive information about the different activities of the Association, such as:
    • PhD School in Economics, where every year, in the framework of the Symposium of the Spanish Economics Association, leading researchers offer a broad perspective of their research areas and, additionally, PhD students receive a training session on relevant topics such as teaching, PhD survival, research presentations, choice of research topics, etc.
    • European Job Market for Economists, co-organized with the European Economic Association and the Royal Economic Society, by the Spanish Economic Association.
    • SERIEs: Journal of the Spanish Economic Association, a journal published by the Spanish Economic Association, dedicated to the publication of theoretical and empirical scientific articles in all areas of economics.
  3. To attend with voice and vote the meetings of the General Assembly.
  4. To elect or be elected to hold executive or representative positions.
  5. To present to the Assembly and the Board as many matters as they consider may contribute to the development of the life of the association and the effective realization of its basic purposes.
  6. To be informed about the composition of the governing and representative bodies of the association, its state of accounts and the development of its activity.


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